CheckHealth Voice RPM – An AI-based health assistant for Remote Patient Monitoring.


  • The potential for getting health data and improve care via patient phone calls is immense, but too costly.
  • Can be used to follow up with patients’ post-treatment or post-appointment to check on their well-being, ensure they are following treatment plans, or gather feedback on their care.
  • Very easy to use for patients. Almost everybody can answer a phone call.
  • All patient conversations are transcribed and stored for automatic analysis by AI to extract information that can be transferred to other care systems.
  • Technology is improving very rapidly. In theory the AI health assistant can perform any phone call a human can.



The care team design and schedule patient interviews according to a health monitoring plan for each patient in the VoiceRPM portal.


The digital assistant calls and interview the patient according to the weekly schedule.


The patient interview is automatically transcribed, summarized and stored in a database. The AI assistant can perform data extractions and assessments according to goals specified by the care team.


Call and talk to the AI Health Assistant yourself!
Please visit our new demo at

An Example of a 24-hour Diet Recall Interview for a clinical study of pre-diabetes patients.



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